ZUCHEX, one of the most prestigious gatherings of the home and kitchenware industry, will take place in Tüyap Istanbul on 11-14 September 2025 with its 35th edition. Hosting more than 1,500 brands on an area of 100 thousand square metres in 2024 and attracting attention by increasing the foreign visitor rate to 21%, the fair started its preparations for 2025 with strong targets. Preparing to make a difference with its renewed theme, colour palette and slogan, ZUCHEX will continue to host the designs that shape the future of the industry.
Funda Kunduz said that they prepare for each new fair with the strength they get from the previous meeting, ‘We broke exhibitor and visitor records in the last meeting. Now new records are waiting for us. We believe that as ZUCHEX continues to maintain its strength, it will continue to carry the sector up in the global arena. ZUCHEX, where the world of home and kitchenware is gathered under one roof, will shape the future of the sector on the one hand, as in previous meetings, and will make a great contribution to international trade and exports on the other hand.’
ZUCHEX, which continues to inspire the world of international trade and design, will bring together not only industry professionals but also all innovators who want to shape the future of home and kitchenware.